Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Creamer is finally here and people are going CRAZY

Maybe the best part of waking up is…. Reese’s Peanut Butter Creamer in Your Cup

The lovely folks over at International Delight have released a Reese’s Peanut Butter coffee creamer. This glorious news comes on the heels of Krispy Kreme re-releasing a Reese’s Peanut Butter donut that is completely blowing people’s minds

Thank Heavens It’s Available For Sale Now

According to Instagram user Junkbanter, a trusted source and reviewer for new grocery store products, it looks like the creamer was found at Walmart. Another food blogger, Impulsive Buy, also confirmed spotting the product at the chain.

And then people started to go crazy over it

We’re not saying you should add this to your fancy Kenya AA. But if you have some cheap brew lying around and want it to taste like candy, this bottle’s for you!